Governor Rick Perry recently made eight appointments to the Texas Medical Board. The Medical Board is responsible for regulating the practice of medicine through licensure, discipline, and education, and is charged with protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, according to the Medical Board’s mission statement.  

Four of the appointments are long-standing members of the Medical Board, who have each had their tenures extended to April 13, 2019. These current members included: Michael Arambula, M.D., PharmD, a psychiatrist in private practice, and adjunct professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; James Scott Holliday, D.O., of Dallas, Texas, an anesthesiologist for Pinnacle Partners in Medicine, where he is also the Vice Chairman; Margaret McNeese, M.D., of Houston, Texas, Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs, and professor of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; and Timothy Webb, J.D., of Houston, who works as an attorney with Webb and Associates, and as an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Department of Health and Human Performance. 

Devinder Bhatia, M.D., of Humble, Texas, was appointed to his first term with the Texas Medical Board. Dr. Devinder specializes in thoracic surgery, peripheral vascular disease, vascular surgery, cardiac surgery, and cardiac disease. He is also a former clinical professor at University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. 

Another new face to the Medical Board is Frank Denton of Conroe, Texas. Mr. Denton is president of a stock, bond, and real estate investment company called Denton Investment Corp. He was formerly a board member and small business chair of the Texas Association of Business. Additionally, Mr. Denton was a past Board chair of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.   

The Medical Board also now includes Robert B. Simonson, D.O., of Dallas, Texas. Dr. Simonson has practiced emergency medicine in Texas emergency rooms for about 25 years. He is the past president of the Physicians Emergency Care Associated and chair of the Methodist Dallas Medical Center Department of Emergency Medicine. He teaches at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and at the University of Texas Arlington School of Nursing. Dr. Simonson is also a board member of the American Board of Emergency Medicine. 

The final appointee is Karl Swann, M.D., of San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Swann practices neurosurgery at Neurological Associates of San Antonio. He is also a clinical assistant professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio’s Center for Neurological Sciences, and was the past chairman of the Methodist Hospital System Department of Neurosurgery in San Antonio. Dr. Swann was appointed to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission in 1998, and to the Texas Health Care Information Council in 2000.    

If you have an investigation or legal case pending before the Texas Medical Board, and want a knowledgeable administrative law attorney, with experience working with the Board and its members, please call the attorneys at the Leichter Law Firm for a free consultation at 512-495-9995.