Recent rule changes by the Texas Medical Board will be taking effect on June 19th. Licensed doctors and licensed physicians in the state of Texas ought to be aware of these changes. The attorneys of the Leichter Law Office has the experience and expertise necessary to assist medical licensees or medical license applicants in these and other issues relating to your medical license.


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22 Tex. Admin. Code § 173.1(b)(1) (2009) (Tex. Med. Board, Profile Contents)


(a) The Texas Medical Board (the “board”) shall develop and make available to the public a comprehensive profile of each licensed physician electronically via the Internet or in paper format upon request.


(b) The profile of each licensed physician shall contain the following information listed in paragraphs (1) – (27) of thus subsection:

(1)   full name as the physician is licensed;

(2) – (27) (No change.)


Subsection (b)(1) previously read “full name as the physician requests that it be published;” with this rule change in effect the physician’s name will be published as it reads on the license, not when the physician requests it be published.


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22 Tex. Admin. Code § 190.8(1)(L)(iii) (2009) (Tex. Med. Board, Violation Guidelines)

Notwithstanding the provisions of this subparagraph, establishing a professional relationship is not required for a physician to prescribe medications for sexually transmitted diseases for partners of the physician’s established patient, if the physician determines that the patient may have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease.


This new subsection will be amended to the current § 190.8(1)(L). A physician need not establish a professional relationship with the partner of a patient to prescribe medications for STDs if the patient with whom the physician has a professional relationship has the STD. This new subsection seems to allow the physician greater flexibility in controlling the spread of STDs quickly and effectively. 


Nevertheless, the Leichter Law Firm recommends being aware of the partner’s medical history and relationship with your patient in order to protect yourself and your license to practice in Texas.


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Whether registering your medical license with the Texas Medical Board, defending yourself in an investigation before the Texas Medical Board, or concerned that your medical license or practice might be in danger, you will need a competent and experienced medical license attorney to assist you. Going it alone against the Texas Medical Board risks your medical license and your livelihood. The attorneys at the Leichter Law Firm have the experience and expertise in dealing with the Texas Medical Board and assisting doctors and physicians in all of their medical licensure needs.